Factory Score & Weighting System

Qualitech program classification of the manufacturer 4 LEVELS:

Class A - [Excellent Performance - equal or greater than 90 scores]

Class B - [Good Performance - 70 to 89 scores]

Class C - [Acceptance Performance - 50 to 69 scores]

Class D - [Not Recommanded - below 50 scores or with critical finding]

1. The overall score is equal to or above the acceptance score but with critical finding.

2. The overall score is below the acceptance score with or without critical finding.


  1. Vender Information
  2. Manufacturer General Information
  3. Order/ Product Review
  4. Purchasing
  5. Storage
  6. Incoming Goods and Material
  7. Manufacturing Process
  8. Finished Goods
  9. Calibration and Maintenance
  10. Training/ Complaint/ Internal Audit
  11. Continuous Improvement
  12. RoHS
  13. Social Responsibility
  14. Environmental Responsibility


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